Port operators’ environmental priorities

On 23 March 2016 the European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO) has published the list of the European ports’ top ten environmental priorities according to port operators. The top priority, as in the 2013 edition, is air quality, which is a relevant topic also at EU level, in view of the implementation of the Sulphur Directive and the ongoing political process on the air quality package.

With raising importance year after year, on second position we find energy consumption, followed by noise. Other priorities that are gaining importance are the relationship with the local community and port development. Waste management continues to be considered as a very important topic, with port waste and ship waste on the fifth and sixth position respectively.

Water quality has climbed at number eight also because of the implementation of the water framework directive. Remaining priorities considered by port operators are dredging operations, and dust.

ESPO publishes a list of the top ten environmental priorities as from 1996. This year’s edition builds on data received from 91 ports in 20 EU Member States.
