The One-Stop Security Arrangement between the European Union and Singapore has entered into force

On 6 February 2018, the arrangement establishing the One-Stop Security between the European Union and Singapore entered into force. The legislative draft proposal has been prepared by the Commission in December 2017 and it was adopted on 9 January 2018.

The One-Stop Security arrangement provides for the mutual recognition of security screening rules at airports, so that passengers and baggage originating from Singapore airport can transfer onto a connecting flight in the European Union and in the European Economic Area without going through security checks a second time. The arrangement will also reduce time and costs for airport operators and airlines.

The One-Stop Security is well established across the European Union since all the EU Member States apply common aviation security rules. It is also one of the cornerstones of the EU’s external aviation policy. The European Union may establish the One-Stop Security with third countries once it has been verified that their aviation security rules are equivalent to that of the EU. To date, that has been achieved with the United States, Canada and Montenegro.


Davide Scavuzzo
